E.H. Schwab’s welding capabilities include:
- Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
- Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG)
- Metal Inert Gas Welding (MIG)
- Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Stick)
Welding is performed manually, robotically or via one of our multiple Jetline Seam Welders, ideal for high volume cylinders and cones. Stud welding capabilities are also included as an alternative to more traditional PEM-Style inserts. All of our welding equipment is State-of-the-Art with most major manufacturers represented including Miller, Lincoln, Jetline and Fanuc.
Our team of skilled welders and fabricators routinely weld Aluminum alloys including 1100, 3003, 5052, 6061 and 7075 as well as steel, stainless steel and high nickel exotic materials. Brass and copper are manually brazed when required.
Common examples of welded parts include multiple spun components welded into a finished assembly, multiple machined components welded into a finished assembly, machined components welded to formed sheet-metal parts, or rolled sheet-metal cylinders and cones. Industries served by our welding team include Transportation & Rail, High Voltage Transmission and Distribution, Commercial Equipment, Agriculture, Mining, Furniture, Architectural, and more.

Welded Product Gallery